ArtStation Elven Warrior 500 images including 360 Turnarounds Bonus Pack by Timo Peter

Reference Pack Elven Warrior. Over 500 royalty free jpegs of the model in various poses. Some shot from wide angles. A couple props variation. 360° Turnarounds for most of the shots.

Great for Studies, references, Figure drawing and photobashing

Before you buy: Please be aware that some of the images can contain subtle noise or blur. The images are great for studies, references and photobashing. If you are looking for images were you can spot every pore this product might not be right for you!

Resolution: 6000×3376

Picture Count: 503

BONUS CONTENT: This pack contains a small extra packs with 19 images of a an additional model in an elven costume. Red cape, basic poses, some props.

Resolution: 6000×3376

Picture Count: 19





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