Sketch 86 Vector drawing application

Sketch 86

Sketch: graphic design for a digital world. Powerful tools and an elegant interface, in a single award-winning package. Because making beautiful things should be a joy, not a burden.

Sketch supports multiple fills, borders and shadows per layer; has powerful non-destructive boolean operations; smart pixel alignment; and makes exporting a breeze with automatic slicing and multiple resolution export.

Vector tools and basic shapes are the foundation; whether you are designing icons, websites, interfaces or anything else. Combine these into complex shapes with non-destructive boolean operations, leaving you free to edit them in the future, then apply advanced layer style options like multiple shadows, fills, gradients, noise, blending, background blurring, and more.

Sketch doesn’t just do shapes, of course. Imported images can be rotated, scaled, cropped and masked. The best-in-class text tool lets you add beautiful typography to your designs, using native font rendering, so you can be sure that text always looks 100% accurate!

Brand new to Sketch 3, Symbols allow you to reuse entire groups of content in multiple places in your design. Think of interface elements such as buttons, headers and footers. Change them once, and they update everywhere in your document.

Built for the Mac, Sketch supports OS X’s Versions and Auto Save, letting you focus on your work instead of hitting CMD+S. Keep your work safely in sync across multiple Mac computers with iCloud. And take Sketch full screen to maximise the size of your canvas.

All this power is deliciously baked into Sketch’s single-window interface. Everything is there, tucked away until you need it. A simple interface with powerful tools.

What’s New:

New in Sketch 86
Improvements and bug fixes This release is all about fixing bugs and making small, quality-of-life improvements that add up to a better overall experience in Sketch. We’re working hard on new features and we can’t wait to share them with you soon.

What’s improved

  • We’ve improved the way we handle variable fonts if you embed them in your document and now clearly identify them as being variable, rather than a specific weight.
  • When you right-click on a layer and open its contextual menu, holding down ⌥ turns the Move Forward and Move Backward options into Move to
  • Front and Move to Back, respectively. If you have the items for Move Forward and Move Backward in your toolbar, we’ll update their icons to reflect this change in command when you hold ⌥ there too.
  • We now memorize the position of the Document Settings window, so it always opens where you last left it.

What’s changed

  • The Move to Library plugin (version 2.2.9) is incompatible with Sketch.
  • We’ve given the Canvas icon in Preferences a refresh — it now reflects the one you see in the toolbar.
  • We renamed the Rename Layer menu item to Rename.

What’s fixed

  • Fixes a bug where the Mac app would continue using system memory after you closed a document.
  • Fixes a bug that would insert image data randomly even if you had unchecked the Insert Data at Random option. Now, Data you insert will follow the order in its source file.
  • Fixes a bug that could make scrolling the Canvas very slow if you were using a mouse with a physical scroll wheel.
  • Fixes a bug that could cause blocky artefacts to appear in shadows that contained a combination of different shadows and other elements.
  • Fixes a bug that caused Smart Distribute spacing handles to appear blurry or distorted.
  • Fixes a bug where rotated background blurs wouldn‘t render as expected in some cases.
  • Fixes a bug where the Mac app wouldn’t detect corrupted data in some parts of a document, which could lead to a crash later while editing the document. Now, we detect this right when you open the document and give you the opportunity to fix it.
  • Fixes a bug where editing a Symbol Source’s content would not update any overrides in deeply nested instances until you reopened the document.
  • Fixes a bug where applying border end decorations to a line or open path with multiple borders would only show one of the borders.
  • Fixes a bug where the search field in the Layer List wouldn’t show a focus ring when you selected it.
  • Fixes a bug that mean any custom shortcuts you added via System Preferences would require you to select their parent menu before they would work.


  • Title: Sketch 86
  • Developer: Bohemian Coding
  • Compatibility: macOS 10.15 or later
  • Language: English
  • Includes: K’ed by TNT
  • Size: 70.11 MB
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