Udemy Learn to Create a Mandala with Adobe Illustrator

Want to learn how to create a Mandala in Illustrator if the answer is yes! then take this indepth course

What you’ll learn

Not only will be able to create Mandalas but also other designs
Understand core features and functions of Adobe Illustrator
Build confidence in using Illustrator for design
Understand what you need to do next to develop your skills


Student should have Adobe illustrator CS6 or above to take this course I will be using Adobe Illustrator CC during this course there might be slight differences in the menu system.


In this course “Learn to Create a Mandala with Adobe Illustrator ” I will show you how to create a Mandala and also learn Adobe Illustrator this fun packed course will give a solid foundation in which to build your skills we will look at all the main tools and techniques you need to produce fantastic designs in this “Learn to Create a Mandala with Adobe Illustrator course”.

This course will explore lots of the features you will commonly use to create Mandalas, including the path tool, rotations, aligning and the pathfinder tools, we will also look at a multitude of different tools and techniques during this course.
Who this course is for:

This course has been designed for all levels beginner through to advanced users of illustrator.






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