FXphd UNR203 Realtime Cinema Environments in Unreal Engine

This course covers how to create a highly detailed photoreal real-time environment using World Creator, Quixel Bridge, and Unreal Engine 5. Taught by Liam Whitehouse, the course is first one at fxphd to be distributed in 4K resolution and includes over 20GB of project file downloads (available with a Premium Membership) so you can follow along with the course.

Liam is a New Zealand based Senior VFX Generalist, who has been in the 3D industry since 2003. He has worked on various projects over the past 18 years including most recently the photoreal canyon environments for The Falcon and the Winter Soldier on Disney Plus, and the hollow earth environments for Godzilla vs Kong, as well as VFX work on other upcoming high profile feature films.






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