Follow along as Tim Clapham takes you on a journey through light & colour to help you learn fundamental lighting principals with Cinema 4D and Redshift
Light and Colour are both essential components to a winning image, this course will teach you fundamental principles for successfully lighting with Cinema 4D and Redshift. Mixing the artistic with the practical, this course covers technical aspects of digital lighting along with creative workflow. Starting with light fundamentals to set you on the right track, we quickly move on and explore multiple lighting setups in a variety of scenes.
We look at essential methods for creating the right mood in your image and learn how to craft a shot by painting with light to bring out the best in your images. Exploring both traditional real world lighting techniques and combining these with digital tricks of the light, creating an illuminating toolkit of knowledge for you to work with.
The techniques you will learn with this training are timeless and will serve you well throughout your creative career, regardless of the application or medium you are working in. Understanding how to manipulate light and colour to enhance your scenes will take your work to the next level and provide you with a solid grounding for each and every future project you undertake.
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