Veterans of Fleet Command will remember the Neinzul as swarmers who attrited to death. Well, those were just the forward scouts. The Neinzul Abyss will see you fighting with or against their full might. Behold, the true power of the Neinzul! From the Evil Necromancer (that could be you) to the Eldritch Elderlings!
New Player Type! The Necromancer
A new optional way to play the entire game! Rather than playing as the usual Human Empire, playing as a Necromancer gives you control over a mobile fleet that feasts on the living from other universes. Capture enemy guard posts, make skeletons and wights out of enemy ships, and quest against the Templars and the Neinzul Elderlings. Development on this massive new playstyle took an entire year, and the word from most of our testers is that this is their new favorite way to experience the game.
For multiplayer, there is an optional Necromancer Sidekick that can play alongside human or Necromancer empires, or in single-player or multi-player you can have any number of Necromancer Empires on their own or with other player types.
What to Expect
With the focus of this DLC being the Neinzul and their unique civilization, You’ll be interacting with them for nearly every minute of the game in the form of six new minor factions. From the fractured roaming enclaves, the ever roaming migrants, to the terrifying and eldritch Elderlings, no two minor factions will ever feel identical to each other.
If these factions aren’t of interest to you, then perhaps the all new evil and insidious Necromancer player type is. When playing as the Necromancer faction, you can choose to either play it as an entirely new way to play the game as a Necromancer Empire, or as a supportive role in multiplayer games as the Necromancer Sidekick. As per the norm, new ships, mechanics, and buildings that come with DLCs have been added in to spice up the game even more. More on those later, for now, let’s talk about the big factions!