Udemy Blender for Animators Learn Basic Fundamentals of Animation

Udemy – Blender for Animators: Learn Basic Fundamentals of Animation

Learn 3d Animation in Blender

What you’ll learn
Learn All the New Animation Tools in Blender, Please note the course was recorded a while ago.
Professionals switching to Maya, can also learn alot
Learn all the fundamentals of 3d Animation
Learn A new WorkFlow

Understands English Language
Hello, my Name is Aguda John Omotayo, I am a 3d generalist, I have been animating for many years now in Blender, although i started with Maya, i will teach you all you need to start your Animation Career in Blender, if you are switching to Blender from Maya, dont worry this course is also meant for you,

1. We will start by teaching the tools

i. First explaining the Interface

ii. Timeline

iii. Dopesheet

iv. Motion path or Motion Trail

v. The Graph Editor: to Detail Knowledge

2. Treating the Fundamentals of Animation

i. The Ball Bounce

ii. The Ball Bounce with squash and stretch

iii. The Ball Bounce with Translation

iv. The Overlapping Action

v. The walk cycle of lower part of the Body

vi. Fixing the Kneel Pop

vii. The Jump of lower part of the Body

3. Them move on to the Body Mechanics Aspects.

i. Walk Cycle of Full Body

ii. Run Cycle of Full Body

iii. Jump of Full Body

Note for Beginners – if you want to follow along this tutorial well as a beginner i really recommend you check out this Example for the 12 principle of Animation on youtube, due to copyright issues, i will not be able to attach it to the tutorials

12 Principles of Animation (Official Full Series) – YouTube

Professionals switching to Blender – just watch.

After those go on and enjoy the course, Thank you

Who this course is for
People new to Animation and Professional Animator Switching to Blender

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