Skillshare Create Totems in Blender Using Mirroring Extruding Insetting Loop Cuts and Multiple Materials

Skillshare –  Create Totems in Blender Using Mirroring Extruding Insetting Loop Cuts and Multiple Materials

In this class we are learning together how to create simple totems in Blender and making first steps in modeling using mirror modifier, extruding, insetting, scaling and loop cutting. You will also learn how to create and use multiple materials on one object in Blender.

For this class you don’t need previous experience in Blender or any other software. Just download Blender, install, and you are ready to begin. We start right from splash screen and I will explain every step.

After going through this class you will gain confidence in modeling simple objects, you will understand how mirroring works in Blender on all 3 axis, and all possibilities that modifier offers. What you learn in this class will save you a lot of time when you need to model symmetrical objects as well as colorful objects or objects where you need to apply multiple materials. Everything you learn in this class you can apply further while creating more complex objects.

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