Mold your city as a casino resort, a manufacturing hub, a haven for thrill seekers, a consumer-driven mega-corporation, a green utopia, and more. This is the definitive version of the greatest city-simulator of all time.
W H A T ’ S · I N C L U D E D ?
- SimCity™: Complete Edition includes:
- SimCity: Cities of Tomorrow expansion pack
- Amusement Park
- Airship Set
- Heroes and Villains Set
- French, British, and German City Sets
D E T A I L E D · S I M U L A T I O N
Create the city you desire and make choices that will shape your city and the Sims in it. Focus on industry, or consumerism and your economy will soar – but at the expense of your Sims’ health as pollution spreads. Implement green technology and improve your Sims’ lives while risking higher taxes and unemployment. The choice is yours.