Learn Godot Visual Scripting by creating a 2d Platformer Game

Learn Godot Visual Scripting by creating a 2d Platformer Game

Skillshare – Learn Godot Visual Scripting by creating a 2d Platformer Game.

Are you eager to get started making your own games?

Game development has never been more popular before – with sales stretching into the billions, and thousands of indie developers sharpening their skills and bringing their creations to life. Even if you’re a beginner who has never coded before, with numerous engines available, just about anybody can create and program their dream game project.

In this comprehensive tutorial, we’re going to be learning how to create your first game using Godot, a free, open-source game engine that allows you to create 2D and 3D games. Due to its open-source nature, which means users can add and remove things from the engine at their leisure, it has quickly been gaining vast popularity. With a vibrant community ready to assist, it is a perfect choice for creating your first game.

After installing Godot and learning the basics of the editor, we’re going to be creating a 2D platformer game, so strap yourself in and get ready to start developing games!

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